NVIDIA introduced the GeForce 20 series of graphics cards in August last year and introduced the RTX family. Thus, Ray Tracing, NVIDIA, which introduced Beam Tracking technology into our lives, is now once again with the RTX Super renewal, which supports it with a 25% increase.
Yes, NVIDIA has renewed the RTX 2060, RTX 2070 and RTX 2080 graphics cards as RTX 2060 Super, RTX 2070 Super and RTX 2080 Super, which has of course changed the technical staff of the cards. Thus, as we said before, a 25 percent increase in performance, graphics cards, GTX 1080 graphics card as well as its predecessors are faced with performance. Now let us share with you one by one the new NVIDIA graphics models and benchmarks.
The NVIDIA GeForce 2060 Super is powered by 8 GB of GDDR6 memory and the memory interface is expanded to 256-bit. However, the CUDA kernels have been increased and the board now has 2176 cores. Of course, this has a huge impact on performance. GTX 1060'tan 60 percent stronger than the specified card, the price of the RTX 2060 does not make a huge difference.
The GeForce RTX 2060 Super will be available on July 9 at a price of $ 399.
The RTX 2070 Super will be available on July 9 at a price of $ 499.
The RTX 2080 Super will be available from July 23 with a $ 699 price tag.
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